
Jacob Klein

Software Engineer

Seattle, WA, USA


I am an undergraduate student pursuing a Computer Science and Software Engineering (BS) degree at the University of Washington Bothell. My passion lies in software development, specifically in both front-end, back-end and databasing. I thrive in a team environment and prioritize the needs and expectations of the end-users to overcome challenges effectively. In addition to my passion for software engineering, I am intrigued by urban planning and the role technology plays in shaping our cities.


Front-End Development

Svelte Logo Express.js Logo

Back-End Development

C++ Logo C# Logo


mysql logo psql logo

Other Skills



Worked on in a team as a final project for a database systems course at my university. Stores statistics related to YouTube channels, videos, comments, and more. Data is updated in real-time from YouTube API. Full-stack project, including a HTML/CSS front-end, Python Flask back-end, and a MySQL database for storing information.


Tetris Remake

Worked on with a friend using pair programming. As an experiement, we designed a Tetris game from scratch, using SDL for graphics and cross-compiling it to WASM for execution on the Web.


Please feel free to reach out to me about any inquiries and/or questions you have using one of the contact methods or fill out the form below. I’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days.
